A. Stunt Bikers

B. Boxers

C. Figure Skaters

"It's like being really good at yoga. But on skates."
- Emily Teel

D. Gymnasts

Fitness Outside the Gym
Why is it that so many people have gym memberships that they rarely use? As a culture, we have convinced ourselves that exercise must take place on machines within the fluorescent confines of mirror-lined rooms. Gyms are notoriously intimidating and it seems as though the only people who have a chance of feeling comfortable are the very lean and the visibly muscular. Fitness can be achieved in a gym, but it doesn’t have to.
OutFit is an alternative to the gym. Whether it’s the high school track, your living room with the coffee table pushed aside, or Rocky Balboa’s famed stairs at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, bring fitness to whatever available space you have. Using body-weight exercises and resourceful equipment, OutFit seeks to empower individuals with the adaptability, confidence, and creativity to exercise anywhere. Increase your fitness versatility. Learn to think outside the gym.
Gymnasts bar none. Agility, strength, grace, fearlessness...they fling their bodies through space for god's sake. I'm in awe when I watch them.
I have to go with figure skaters. At least gymnasts have padding if they bite it.
Good point. And falling on ice? Ouch! And they also jump and spin and the fearless guys lift fearless girls...ok I say it's a draw.
wait a second. i thought this was about athleticism. gymnastics and figure skating are for pansies and queers! you want athleticism, let's talk about competitive ballroom dancing. that stuff is crazy!
Abram, you're hilarious.
Hrm....Gymnasts would be capable of executing the greatest range of difficult physical feats, but the cardiovascular system of a boxer owns. I've done both. Gymnastics is essentially the art of expressing the human body, while boxing is basically the art of expressing the human punch on someone's face and/or body.
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